Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Last week we started clubs. Every Friday afternoon we go to the club that we chose to participate, I chose Coding and Robotics.
Last Friday it was our first session. We got in groups. I went with Noah, Emma, Harry and Guy.
I decided to go to Coding because I can already do some HTML and Java script. Emma and I are going to the only girls.

I expected that we would do some scratch and guess what.... We did! I did the proper scratch and everyone else is doing scratch junior.
I am creating a shooting game, were you hover your mouse over the screen and when you press the space the machine gun fires. The point of the game is to shoot down as many balloons as you can. I am going to try get a scoring method to come on the screen.

I am going to keep updating this as I progress.


  1. Hi Hollie, I'm glad you are doing coding. You were very helpful for the first session with the smaller children. It would be good to see some of your scratch activities uploaded and shared on your blog. Next time check by proofreading your writing too.

  2. Sounds like fun Holly. It must be noisy with a room mainly filled with boys:) you will have to show me your scratch some time.
