Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Master Chef

Welcome to the semi finals of Master Chef 2016, our contestants are Annabelle, Jess and Emma. One will go home and 2 will be in the grand final. Join after the break.

Day 1
Contestant Annabelle Jones headed into the kitchen. She was making a delicious pizza topped with some honey scented ham and a runny tasty cheese.

The judges waiting at the table thought that the dishes falavours would mix beuitifully.  Hopefully they were right.

In the kitchen the heat was rising. Annabelle was rushing round the kitchen, trying to get the pizza cooked with a mere 5 minutes left. Sweat dripped down her shiny face. Grabbing the pizza out of the oven she took one glance at them. They looked good. Sliding them on to the chopping board she carefully sliced them in 1/4's. She plated the dishes up and one by one bought them out to the waiting judges. Thoughted raced through her mind. Did they like it. They took a bite, then another. A big grin broke over the judges faces.

Now for the criteria: judge Holly thought the topping was delicious, but next time maybe try put more colour in it.

Day 2
Contestant Jess strolled into the dreaded kitchen. Earlier she had planned to cooked some Ravioli with a tomato sauce. Jess has made this dish plenty of time at her home, was feeling confident.

She opened the fridge and pulled out the ravioli. Her heart sunk. The ravioli was broken in pieces. As the race for ingredients finished, she had already finished cooking the pasta. Jess was getting quite stressed. She had never experianced this amount of stress. Beats of sweat form on her face.

The judges, Holly and Emma went into the kitchen to help her finish. 5,4,3,2,1 Step away from your kitchens. Standing back the view there master piece. Emma and Holly handed each of the judges a plate. And carefully took one them self. Sitting down judge Holly took a small mouthful. Chewing it carefully, trying to savour the amazing falavours.

When all if them had finished the talked amount them self. Deciding that the presentation skills needed some work, but the flavours where heaven.

Day 3
On the last day Contestant Emma wasnt nervous at all. She had been practising for this dish for ages. Strolling around grabbing ingredients. She calmly mixed the sauce together. She was going to make Chicken Fettuccine.
After a long a tedious cooking the chicken had finally finished. She started to plate up and make it look beautiful. She walked out of the kitchen with more than 15 minutes to go.

The judges were impressed with the quality of the food and thought that the presentation was amazing.
With all of the judges votes counted they thought the best dish had a great texture, with a nice creamy      topping. The winning dish was . . . . . . .  Annabelle's Pizza!

After the break we will see the bottom 2 contestants fight it out for the remaining place in the final of 2016 Master Chef!


  1. Fantastic piece of writing Holly. I like the way you have set the scene and used the Master Chef programme as inspiration. Your detail and description are well worded to add impact and intensity. Very impressed.
    $98 - just a couple of spelling errors.

  2. Fantastic piece of writing Holly. I like the way you have set the scene and used the Master Chef programme as inspiration. Your detail and description are well worded to add impact and intensity. Very impressed.
    $98 - just a couple of spelling errors.

  3. Great writing Holly! Loved the Master Chef theme very entertaining and original. Good descriptive words and good use of vocabulary. It hooked me in straight away.

  4. Awesome Holly, also loved the master chef theme. Great descriptive writing and was very creative.

  5. Loved this post Holly! It got me hooked into it straight away, I couldn't stop reading! There was a few spelling mistakes but apart from that it was great!!! Keep up the good work!

  6. Wow Holly that is very funny to read. I like the way you use master chef for some way to make it interesting for the reader. There was just a few spelling mistakes but it was not to noticeable. And I would of given you more then $95. Well done and keep it up.
