Monday, February 29, 2016

Quote: 9

Image result for Quote if you're feeling blue try painting yourself a different color

Quote: 8

Image result for Quote being unique is better than being perfect

Quote: 7

Image result for Quote if you're feeling blue try painting yourself a different color
Try hard because in the end you only regret the chances you didn't take.

Community Service

On Saturday the 20th I arrive at school at 3:00pm (I missed the bell, oh no!)
I was helping set up for the Summer Sounds Concert.

I saw Derrin helping move some tables so I went over and helped her. Then we helped put up the 2 gazebos. They were really confusing! "Pull this one up, no the other one, yes that one." Eventually we managed to put both of them up safely.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Swimming Sports

On Thursday we had swimming sports!
All the 8yr olds and up went to Dudley pool. We competed against all the other children in our age group.
I chose to do all the races I could: freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and medley.

In the morning Anna, Marcus and I were franticly writing numbers on the Makerikeri children hands.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Cave Stream

On Friday we went through Cave Stream.
We had just completed the Hawdon Hut tramp!
As we arrived in the car park, everyone was speaking. We put on our helmets and buckled them up. The 2 signs we read were about what you had to have and why. I had a helmet, a merino and thermal top, thermal leggings, a head torch and my tramping boots.

We all went and saw the end on the cave. It just looked like a big hole


Yay! Buddies!
This year My buddy is Jess! 

Jess is a year 1. In buddies I am teaching her describing words, eg: smart, beautiful, colourful and fast. Then we write stories that have lots of describing words in them. Our buddie book is very colourful

Quote: 4

Quote: 3

Always be yourself, because everyone is different. No-one is the same!

Quote: 2

Image result for Quotes
This quote is saying that you should do everything you get offered, because in the end what have you lost, Nothing!

Quote: 1

This quote means that the right thing to do is not necessarily the easiest option, but it's something you should do. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Surviving and Thriving!

On Friday the whole school went to Ashley Gorge, as our theme for this year is Surviving and Thriving!
We split into house groups to complete 4 activities. Anna, Marcus Miss Kennedy, Mr Reed and I were the leaders for Makerikeri. My group was; Eb, Emily, Hannah, Dan, Lucas, Riley, Madeline, Kaitlyn. Our whole team worked really well together. Good job guys!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Hawdon Hut

On Thursday we tramped up to Hawdon hut!
Our first William Pike Challenge!
I was in the new Mini Van. We jumped in and took off for the shelter. The other minivan had no seat belts and the windows could open. Sadly ours had seat belts and we couldn't open the window, but it was super comfy!

"Are we almost there!", was what at least someone would say every 10-15 minutes. 
The drive there was super BORING!, we just sat there and talked.
Soon the shelter came in sight. A small open building. We jumped out longing to move and stretch our legs. There were Army people teaching some unemployed people how to put up a tent and how to pack a pack.

An then the thing we were all dreading. "Carrying our packs". We heaved it onto our backs and started off.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

About me!

Hi, I'm Holly Prickett and this year I'm proud to be a year 8. I go to Loburn School. At Loburn all Year 8 students do the William Pike Challenge Award.