Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Cave Stream

On Friday we went through Cave Stream.
We had just completed the Hawdon Hut tramp!
As we arrived in the car park, everyone was speaking. We put on our helmets and buckled them up. The 2 signs we read were about what you had to have and why. I had a helmet, a merino and thermal top, thermal leggings, a head torch and my tramping boots.

We all went and saw the end on the cave. It just looked like a big hole
with water flowing through it. You couldn't see the rungs that you have to climb up to get out. Then we started to walk to the start, in thermals! It was REALLY hot. I felt like I was being cooked from the inside! We went down and down, never one flat bit. It seemed like we would never even get to the start. Then we arrived at a giant hole in the rock face.

We split into our food groups. I was with Haylley, Emma and Jess. We were in the second group to enter the cave. I kissed good bye to sun shine and entered the blackness. The water was freezing! Even with all my layers of clothes on, I was still cold. The first bit went up to my tummy. I lifted my arms up in an attempt to keep them dry. An epic fail! They got saturated! We kept walking. The deeper we got the shallower it got. Then suddenly there would be a deep bit.
The walls looked amazing, there were heaps of patterns and holes everywhere. It looked like someone had carved it all out!
We worked out a system where the people in front would say Rock if there was a big or loose rock and Deep it went deeper. It was really useful!
When we were about half way Mr Priddy told us all to turn of our lights. It was pitch black. Then we all shone our head torches down on our faces, William then took a picture. We kept on walking. On and on. Haylley sat down and it went to her shoulders. The water was really warm. About the warmth of the big pool a at Dudley.
Light! Some where up ahead there was light. We all walked a bit faster. At the end there was a high wall that you had to climb over. On the other side there was a deep pool, with a waterfall on the furthest side. One at a time we climbed up some rungs and crawled over the he little ledge into the sunshine and fresh air. All the people that were out went under the freezing water that ran into the cave! 
When everyone out we got picture taken. Then we headed back to the minivans and to get changed into warm and dry clothes. 

Our exciting adventure had come to an end. I can't wait to complete the next challenges!

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