Sunday, February 28, 2016

Swimming Sports

On Thursday we had swimming sports!
All the 8yr olds and up went to Dudley pool. We competed against all the other children in our age group.
I chose to do all the races I could: freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and medley.

In the morning Anna, Marcus and I were franticly writing numbers on the Makerikeri children hands.
The numbers corresponded to what group they were in for the house relay. I was the leader for group A1 and A2. Finally we sorted it all out, everyone new what team they were in. We got in the bus and headed off. The drive there was actually really quiet. I was quite surprised because Makerikeri and Okuku are quite loud houses!
We arrived and headed off to the pool, and then to the changing rooms. I had forgotten how squished it gets in there!
We sat on the cold benches waiting to be called up. Then some yelled 11yr old girls freestyle. I jumped up and started to the staring block. I stood at the side of the pool and waited for the clapper. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, it felt like ages until, BANG! We were off! I dived in and swam under the water and then came up and did my freestyle arms and kicked as hard and fast as I could. Bam. I felt the wall and instinctively stood up I had finished. I lady handed me a yellow stick. I had come 3rd.

Then off to the benches to sit and wait for my next race!
In breaststroke I got 3rd and in backstroke I got disqualified but was coming 2nd!

Now for the house relay.
We got into our groups and went to the end of the pool that your group was suppose to be.
"on your marks, GO"! the 8yr old were off. They had to use the flutter board. Once they were finished Anna ran the board over to us and into the pool the first person for A1 and B1 went. Then it was my turn I jumped in and swam as hard as I could. Then Eb jumped in and swam to the other end. The A's came 7th out of 8 and the B's came 8th. The next round was noodle. We came 5th and the B's came 7th. For the last round we had to use a balloon. Eve was a bit nervous at the start but Kate and I encouraged her to do it. She completed her length quite quickly. Our teams strategy was to put the rubber band around our fingers, and SWIM AS HARD AND FAST AS YOU CAN!

Overall think that it was a great day and I think everyone enjoyed!

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