Monday, February 22, 2016

Surviving and Thriving!

On Friday the whole school went to Ashley Gorge, as our theme for this year is Surviving and Thriving!
We split into house groups to complete 4 activities. Anna, Marcus Miss Kennedy, Mr Reed and I were the leaders for Makerikeri. My group was; Eb, Emily, Hannah, Dan, Lucas, Riley, Madeline, Kaitlyn. Our whole team worked really well together. Good job guys!

My favourite activity was shelter, because when we were building our hut Eb and I would be asking the younger kids to bring what type on sticks to bring. Lucas and Riley just wanted to gather sticks, so we told them to get really long sticks, there longest stick, well dead tree, would be about 10m long!
Kaitlyn and Madeline were doing a great job collecting leaf litter and twigs to put over the stick to make it warmer and make the walls more solid.
Our hut was about 2.5m by 1.5m. We could all fit in it! While Eb was touching up a few thing on the roof of the hut, the rest of us made a fire place and a clothes line outside. We hung Hannah's sweatshirt on it!
I had to judge with Anna and Marcus. We went round the huts and decided on which hut was the best. I went back to my hut and told them that we had to go back to find out who had won. "Drum roll please....................., Holly's Hut!" Yay, we had won! One thing that i think made our hut win was the fact that everyone helped out. Madeline and Kaitlyn gathered leaf litter, Lucas and Riley got big sticks, Hannah and Emily help gather sticks and constructed one of the walls, Dan, Eb and I came up with ideas and coordinated everyone. We were really proud of ourselves!
The other activities were Water, there were 2 activities, 1 where you had to cross the river and 2 where you had a bucket with holes and you had to get the stick out.
At First Aid we had to create a stretcher that would hold a junior student, ours carried me!
And at Food we created one of the 5 recipes, Energy balls, Lemon drink, Veges and dip, Fruit kebabs and Damper. Our group did Energy Balls.
Over all I think it went really well. It was one of the best theme related day outs!

1 comment:

  1. Holly
    I am pleased you had a great day. Teamwork was part of the day and I am pleased that your team worked well.
    Well done.
