Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Small Bore Rifle Shooting!

Last night I went down to the main power oval to start my hobby, Rifle Shooting.
As I arrived the 2 guys taking it had just parked up and were having a conversation. I wasn't sure if it was on, because I know there is an AGM coming up. We hopped out
and asked then. It was on. We went in and signed me up. Lucy has already done rifle shooting before so she new a few people there. As I was listening to the guy tell us what to do and how to use the gun Holly M and Johnluke arrived. I wanted to be in the shoot with Lucy, so I waited for the next round. I choose to be in mound 1. Holly was in mound 2 and Lucy was in mound 6. Mound 1-3 are on the bottom and mound 4-6 are on the top. Lucy told us we had to be on the bottom because apparently it is easier then shooting off the top.
I had gun 11.
We lay down and loaded the gun up. The first time I accidentally put the bullet in the wrong way. Oops! Once I had got it ready i waited until he told us we could start. Holly said that she couldn't see through the hole. I though it was just because the holes were 0.4mm wide. The guy got Holly to put her finger out in front of her and line it up with one of the targets, then close your left eye and see if your finger is still on the target. Her finger wasn't. That mean that she is left eyed. Mine was, that means I'm right eyed. Holly had to get a lefty gun.
We were ready to shoot. I put the bolt in and flicked it down. BANG! Even with head muffs on you could till hear that sudden bang. We shoot 3 bullets at middle target as a practise and then we go round clockwise. Bang, bang, bang was all you could hear. My eye cover was to small, so I had to close my left eye. If you focused to hard, your target went all blurry and you had to blink a few times to get it away. One of my shot went off the piece of card entirely, because I put my head up to blink and it fired. The triggers are really light!
Once we had fired them all we had to wait until everyone had shot all there bullets, then we got up and waited for them to mark them. Lucy and Johnluke were using the sling. Holly and i were using a rest. The rest is like a triangular prison made out of wood, you lay the guns barrel on the point.
Finally they were marked. I got 62.1 and Holly got 41.
I really enjoyed it and can't wait to go back next time!

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