Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Tri-School Swimming Sports

Today we had tri-school swimming sports.
There were quite a lot of kids from Loburn School competing. In my age group, 11yr olds, there was Annabelle, Zoe, Kate and I.

We got in the car that we were going and took off for Dudley Pool. I was in Kate's car with Kate, Annabelle and Zoe. We talked a lot about previous swimming sports. Finally we arrived. We jumped out and headed off to the foyer. We went and got changed and sat in our year groups area.
With even more people sitting on the benches we were more than squished! The 12 year olds went first and then the 11 year olds and so on. BANG! the 12 year olds were off!
Splash, Splash, Splash, everyone was swimming as hard as they could. Brooklyn came 1st and Emma came 3rd.
"Now for the 11 year old girls freestyle". I jumped up and wait for the race to finish. This time they were doing thing differently, once you had finished your race you stayed in the pool and went into the corner. Once the person in the next race had dived and started swimming you had to swim under the lane ropes to the left side of the pool. I f you got a place then you went over to the table and gave them your details and if you hadn't got a place then you had to walk around the pool back to your seat. Once the boy in my lane had gone in the corner I stepped up to the crack in the concrete that Mr Priddy had told us to wait. Then he blow his whistle, we stepped up to the pool and got in the dive position. BANG! I didn't hear the clapper and hesitated, but then dived in. I swam as hard as I could, but as I went round for my tumble turn I didn't get a good push off and had to catch up to the person in front of me. I came 5th. I was coughing continuously. I sat down a waited for my next race, Breast Stroke. I love breast stroke, its my favourite swimming stroke! I watched all the other races and then suddenly it was 11 year old girls breast stroke. I got up and waited for the race before me to finish. They had finished.

I went to the crack, and then stepped up to the pool. I waited for that inevitable Bang. It felt like minutes had passed, and then BANG, that loud slap of the 2 pieces of wood connecting. I pushed of the wall and dove into the water. That ice shock when you hit that freezing wall of water. It feels someone has just pushed you into the ocean, cold and smelling of salt, except it wasn't salt it was chlorine. I swam on. Arm pumping. Coming up for a breath after every stroke. Closer and closer to the end of the pool, on and on I swam. I glided through the water. My feet never breaking the crystal clear water. As my head came out of the water I could see the other people out of the corner of my eye, I was in the middle. I scooped my arms out, then around. Like scooping out the ice cream and then eating it. Repeating it a numerous of times. There the end of the pool. Only a metre away. I shoved my hands out and connected with the wall, automatically my body turned around and my feet pushed of against the wall and I flew forward. It felt like something else was controlling my body, but it was gone. I had to do the work now. I started to realise this was my last swimming sports. I promised myself right then and there, that I Holly Prickett was going to come in the top 3. The further I swam, the I realised I might actually have a chance of completing my goal! 9, 8, 7 metres from the finish. I came up to breath and saw how close the others were. It was Now or Never. I put my head down and swam like I had never done before. Arms ploughing through the water. 4, 3, 2, 1! BAM! I stretched my arms out into the cold, loud air. The crowd was yelling Go someone, Go someone else! I stood up and and a lady came over and gave me my goal and big green bit of a noodle. I had done it, I had got 3rd. We swam under the lane ropes and to the side of the pool. I went over to the desk. The lady there told me that I was .005 seconds off competing in the Rakahuri swimming sports. I was so annoyed. That close, just that close. But on the other hand I completed my goal!

I went home with Mum!
Swimming sports was so much fun and I liked how we got a free swim afterwards!

1 comment:

  1. You swam really well Holly. Great recount I like some of the language you have used. Not surprised you compare swimming to ice cream:)
