Saturday, March 5, 2016

Rakahuri Rage Practice

After hurrying out of the house and dropping Lucy at tennis, we drove down the road and looked about us. No one was in sight. To early, or to late! We drove a little further and, bam! They were all there, waiting for a few more of us straggler to arrive. The car-park was fell hidden from the road!
We parked up and headed of to meet the others. Emma had found a big, black scorched mark on the gravel. Bits and bobs of different parts of the car that once stood there, just lay, half buried in the gravel. A box of matches that were crumpled up had been thrown on the ground. Someone had burnt a car!
But enough of the excitement, we had to start our long, dreadful bike ride.
Everyone was here so we biked off down the track. In the first 5 minutes we had to lift our bikes over a small wire fence, then again about a minute later. We biked over our first hill. People were already puffing. Jess and I biked faster, so we didn't get stuck behind slow people. But even through we tried to stay in front of them, a few would always seek back into the front group, and we would all get stuck behind them. But finally we got into the front group, and the going was good then. Up and hill, down a hill and round and bend, was all we did, again and again. People would be biking up and hill and then slowly they would slip and slip until they were at the bottom again. No-one could get up them! I talked a lot with Emma or Jess. 45 minutes later we arrived at the gate. We carried our bikes round it and sat there talking. Waiting for the others to arrive.  Jess, Emma and I are in a team together, we decided that I would go first and do the big lap and Emma or Jess can go second or third.
I biked don to our car and had a drink. I think that I will easily be able to complete 2 hours of biking or more. My goal is to complete a lap in 15 minutes! Suddenly I got splashed in the face with water. I jumped up and grabbed my drink bottle. A long and fun water fight had just broke out between Jess and I!!!
I had a great day and I can't wait until we get to race all the year 8's!


  1. I look forward to seeing how tired you will be at the end:)

  2. Awesome👍🏻😀

  3. Holly this is a really entertaining post I like the descriptions you have used. especially the burnt out car description.It must have been frustrating being stuck behind slower people, but it still sounds really fun I can not wait for the William Pike challenge next year!

  4. Holly this is a really entertaining post I like the descriptions you have used. especially the burnt out car description.It must have been frustrating being stuck behind slower people, but it still sounds really fun I can not wait for the William Pike challenge next year!
