Thursday, March 31, 2016

Kaiapoi - Rangiora Fun Run/Walk

On 13th of March I completed the Lions Fun Run!

As Emma and I walked through the gate we tried to be inconspicuous. Black tops surrounded us. Head down, we walked. After going about 5m Riely and Hayato came running over. Great job of being inconspicuous!

As part of our William Pike Challenge we have to compete in a 10km organised Fun/Run. The Lions Fun/Run was 12km. I somehow always end up competing in the longer and more challenging things!
I walked with Emma at the start and then Brooklyn. We ran 4 power poles and then walked 1-2 power poles, this way we didn't get tired and kept up our energy. Trust me you need all the energy you can get. 12km doesn't sound like much, but when you are halfway through, it feels like 12 miles!
The first few kms went past in a blur. Emma slowly fell back, and I ended up running with Brooklyn. We kept telling ourselves "One foot in front of the other", and " Almost there". As we ran past the 10km mark, the marshal told us that it was only "20 minutes to go". I highly doubt that because we only had 2kms to go. Before I new it the finishing line was in sight! I never liked the sight of the taped finish shoot more than this before!
Brooklyn and I crossed the line together, with the classic, holding hands and reaching them up to the sky! American movies! We both completed the Lions Fun/Run in a time of 1hr 19minutes. Pretty impressive for a 12km run/walk!

The prize giving took so long, as everybody had already left. Even though they had all left, no-one from loburn school got a spot prize. So disappointing!

I really enjoyed doing it and are definitely going to do it next year!

1 comment:

  1. Holly you did really well would you do it again next year?
