Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sausage sizzle

On Saturday the 19th Jess and I did the Rotary BBQ.

I arrived at New World just as Jess and Arizona were going into the super market to collect the sausages and bread. I ran in after them.
We introduced ourselves and I found out that Arizona's mum is Tania. (My mum knows her.) We went around and spotted all the Easter eggs. We went to the door that the staff are only allowed in and out, by the deli. Arizona asked the guy inside for the Rotary sausages. We got onions, sausages and bread. At the service desk they scanned all the food and then they did something that put the amount that we had to pay down to zero.

Tania cooked the sausages and Jess and I peeled and sliced the onions, while Arizona piled the bread up. It took awhile for any customers to buy any. We saw Brooklyn, Kate S and Benj.
Our system was, Arizona or I would hold the piece of bread out and Tania put the sausage on and she would give them onions if they wanted them. Then Arizona or I would ask them if they wanted tomato sauce or mustard. Jess or I would take their money and we had just sold a yummy, warm sausage!

It was really windy and the bread and serviettes were flying everywhere. Once there was this little girl about 2-4 years old, who came out of nowhere and walked onto the road. We all gasped as a car came towards her . . . but luckily they saw her and stopped in time. A lady went out and got her. Her dad came walking out and picked her up. She was crying heaps.

We sold 2 bags of sausages and earned $181.50.


  1. Gosh Holly u make it like the little girl came out of nowhere! Literally, good job on the money tho lets see if Haylley and I can beat ur guys amount? well that's another hour of community service ticked off :)

  2. well done you guys made quite a lot of money. Would you do it again if you had a choice? Also did the onions make you cry:D
