Friday, May 27, 2016

Anzac Presentation

For four weeks we have been researching about our topic that we chose. Annabelle and I decided to look at the food aspect. We researched about what food they ate and their cooking facilities. Once we had done that we started to create a tin cooker, sometimes called a hobo stove. Go to the link below to watch our final product!


  1. Great Presentation Holly! Lots of facts and I love how you made something that they could have used!

  2. Great job. Very interesting and I like the way you made something that they used

  3. I would say this was interesting,but because I had the same topic it was kind of the same thing. I liked how you put on the recipes,you could of cooked some of the recipes and brought it in so we could try!!!!

  4. great prestation holly how much food would they eat each day?
