Monday, May 2, 2016

Rifle Shooting

This term I have been going to Small Bore Rifle Shooting. We have been shooting with wooden polished guns, my gun that I use is gun 11. My first score was 69.1 and my highest is 82. I have been going for a whole term now and I feel like I have improved lots since I first started. The old guys said that if I shoot in the eighty 3 times in a row I can shoot in a sling.
Each time I go I normally see Holly M and Johnluke. Me and Holly started at the same time and Johnluke started rifle shooting last year for his hobby for William Pike. I will keep updating this post as the year progress's.


  1. What a great choice for a new hobby. How interesting. It's also great that you will be able to monitor your progress by publishing it here. How exactly does the point system work?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great to see you are enthusiastic with shooting. remeber to answer your questions.

  4. holly that sounds like lots of fun and it sounds like you made quite a big improvement
