Friday, May 20, 2016

Mt. Richardson

On Friday the 13th of May we started the treacherous climb to the summit of Mt. Richardson.

Walking through the gates. Swinging them open, I take my first step onto the hard grey concrete. Walking slowly towards a big rectangular building. "Holly!". Jess comes running up. Now snapped out of my day dream I walk into the Mt. Thomas room.

Swinging my bag onto my back, we start to walk. Me, Emma and Annabelle were walking together. Up and Up we climbed. Round every corner up every hill.
Josh Dando was coming with us, he used to be in my sisters class and Loburn. He manly walked with Jack, Hugh and EB. When ever Miss Hanna looked over her shoulder, he would quickly stop whatever he was doing and try to look like a responsible adult. Even though he was probably playing with giant worms or spiky plants!

We were almost at the top. Suddenly a mad dash to reach the top started. I joined in! I reached the top in about 5th place. We stopped there for 10mins. Annabelle and I used our jackets to fly off a big pile of rocks we found. It was fun even though we only travelled about 3 metres!

On the way back it was really steep in some parts. Me and Emma walked together for most off it. Every 10minutes we would come up to a small hill, so annoying! Me and Emma jumped down the hill for most of the time! There were a few branches that had fallen down in the big winds. We climbed over them as quickly as possible, so we could finish earlier.

When we finished the walk, Emma, Annabelle and I rolled down the hill. Jess thought it was to kiddish and thought that she was mature enough that we shouldn't be rolling down the hill, Boo hoo we still rolled our way to the bottom!!!

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