Thursday, May 19, 2016


Yesterday after I got back from cross country I raced out to the rabbits. . .

My does Ginger and Shadow are due to have babies. Ginger is a broken fawn and Shadow in a solid black. I put them with one of my bucks Blue, he is a BEW, blue eyed white. Shadow lost her first litter but hopeful these one will survive.

In the morning before school I ran out to check Ginger and Shadow, no babies but Ginger was carrying hay around in her mouth. A good sign! I kept giving her hay until i realised she was eating it all.
Shadow had formed a nest but had put no fur in it.

Cross country today! I check the rabbits and Ginger is pulling her fur out. Hopefully tonight!
After school my dad says " how many babies do you have"! For starters I thought he just meant for me to check., but as I came out to see I relizied that he was serious. Opening the lid there was a small bundle of white fur. Carfully I pecked in, there laid 5 pink wrinkly babie rabbits. They looked like naked mole rats!

I think that they will all be BEW's.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh that would have been a Nice surprise it was cool seeing them yesterday I think they look better with fur:)
