Saturday, May 14, 2016


This weekend I have been very bored so i decided to write a bit about my animals. 
My youngest animal at the moment is Buddy.

A bit about him:
Buddy is a cross-bred goat. He is really adorable and kind. He will always run up to you and jump around wanting to play with. Some of my friends when he showed this behavior thought that he was trying to be vicious a quickly left the paddock. But because is still very young he is just burning off all that kid energy, just like a puppy!

How I got him and his early childhood:
We used to have 2 adult goats, Chocolate and Star. They were about 5 or 6 years old. We decided to put them in kid. We brought them over to Jodie and Richards place, (my brothers friends parents), They have a whole herd of them that go's all over there property. They are very friendly and really lucky to live a wildish life. Our goats coming from a 10 acre property thought it was luxury. You can imagine what the learned, Jumping and this very peculiar stunt that we saw when we were there. There was a barn with a fence coming off it. The goats came trotting up to the barn wall, ran right up the wall flipped their body over the fence, practically doing a backwards flip! And landed on the other side of the fence and just trotter away as if this was  their daily routine! They stayed there for a few months. In December they were ready to kid. Our first doe Chocolate had to go to the vet and get surgery, but sadly we lost her and her 2 newborn kids. Then our second doe Star was having trouble having her kid so we rang our neighbour, she a vet, she helped delivery Buddy, my cute goat. He was about 14 cm long and his ears were about 9 cm, they looked so silly on him, he looked like a clown. Luckily his ears haven't grown at all, now he has nice NORMALLY ears! Unfortunately we had to put Star down. We lost our 2 wonderful does, and we weren't sure if if buddy would survive. He was so small and delicate.  We kept him inside for his first month and a bit of his life. That night we tried to bottle feed him. He would not take to the bottle. We thought we would surly lose him. Finally for the 100th time we opened up his mouth a put the teet in his mouth . . .
He drank and drank. Yay! When he was about 2 weeks old he had only grown about 1/2 cm. I would take him outside and put him on the lawn to play. He would hobble around and try to run, but he would end up on the ground! Maa'ing and maa'ing. One of his favourite games is jump on the person, if your lying down reading a book he runs up jumps up and lands on your back with THUD! He then lifts his front legs and looks down at you, it's if he saying 'shame,  the king of the castle and your the dirty rascal'! 

Now he is 5 months old and is living in the paddock with our lambs from last year. He is about 40 cm long and about 50 cm tall. 

I hope you liked reading about my little bundle of joy, Buddy! 

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